Zapraszamy na seminarium

Date Place Time
Thursday (17.07.2014) room 2.41
11:00 am

Title: Statistical approach for automatic sign language recognition and other related works

Speaker: Assistant Prof. Dr. Shinji Sako (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

Major topics:
- some major issues of ASLR,
- difficulties of ASLR by comparison with spoken languages,
- how to deal with the issues of ASLR,
- the statistical modeling approach to overcome major issue of ASLR. 

Shinji Sako is an assistant professor in department of computer science at Nagoya Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Nagoya Institute of Technology. He worked at Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (2002), the University of Tokyo (2004-2007), Nagoya Institute of Technology (2007 - Present), Technical University Munich (2012). During his education he was awarded from Information Processing Society Japan (IPSJ), Institute of Electronics, the Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE). His areas of interest lie in sign language recognition, speech synthesis, singing voice synthesis and music information retrieval. He has published 36 papers in journals and the refereed conference proceedings.He has also 3 patents and developed several software related to speech processing. His 41 days research visit in AGH University of science and technology is supported by PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) and JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science).

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